The cuisine of the Serranía de Ronda is well known for its juicy meats and delicious wines. The towns of the Genal Valley have a long tradition of combining their local products creating great and delicious dishes for both winter and summer. In this article we leave you a recipe from the village of Benarrabá. The salmorejo meat dish is a delicious dish where a delicious symbiosis is created between meat, garlic and white wine. A traditional Malaga recipe easy to prepare to surprise any visit.
- 0.5 kg of pork loin head
- 75 grams of lard
- Half a head of garlic
- 1 bay leaf
- The juice of 1 lemon
- Olive oil
- 1 glass of white wine
- Half sweet onion or spring onion
- Salt
- Fresh parsley
- Echamos un poco de aceite de oliva en la sartén.
- Añadimos y derretimos la manteca de cerdo en la sartén.
- Añadimos la carne de cabeza de cerdo troceada y lo dejamos cocer en su propio jugo.
- Añadimos jugo de limón exprimido y una hoja de laurel.
- Añadimos los dientes de ajos troceados
- Añadimos un vaso de vino, cocer hasta evaporar.
- Añadir la cebolla troceada junto con el perejil fresco.
- ¡Dejar cocer alrededor de 5 minutos más… y listo!