Riogordo Town Village Malaga


Riogordo, a town surrounded and embraced by the tranquility of its mountains where the perfect trails reign to enjoy nature.Nombre Caracoles Riogordo Malaga

Where is Riogordo located

Riogordo is located 41km from Malaga capital with a population of 2.724 inhabitants. The municipal term has a dimension of almost 41km square.

Denonym of the people of Riogordo

The inhabitants are called “riogordeño or riogordeña“, or also “panzón or panzona“.

Monuments and places of interest in Riogordo

  • Hermitage of Jesús Nazareno
  • Hermitage of San Sebastián
  • Church of Nuestra Señora de GraciaChurch Riogordo Malaga
  • The Hornacinas
  • Phoenician Tombs
  • Riogordo Archaeological Sites
  • Ethnological MuseumMuseum Riogordo Malaga
  • Monument Jose Antonio de Rojas y SolisJose Antonio de Rojas y Solis Monumento Riogordo Malaga
  • FountainFuente Pilar Riogordo Malaga

For more information about Riogordo Village: visit the City Council page