Riogordo, a town surrounded and embraced by the tranquility of its mountains where the perfect trails reign to enjoy nature.
Where is Riogordo located
Riogordo is located 41km from Malaga capital with a population of 2.724 inhabitants. The municipal term has a dimension of almost 41km square.
Denonym of the people of Riogordo
The inhabitants are called “riogordeño or riogordeña“, or also “panzón or panzona“.
Monuments and places of interest in Riogordo
- Hermitage of Jesús Nazareno
- Hermitage of San Sebastián
- Church of Nuestra Señora de Gracia
- The Hornacinas
- Phoenician Tombs
- Riogordo Archaeological Sites
- Ethnological Museum
- Monument Jose Antonio de Rojas y Solis
- Fountain
For more information about Riogordo Village: visit the City Council page