Almargen Town Village Malaga


Where is Almargen located

Almargen is located 85m from Malaga capital with a population of 1.954 inhabitants. The municipal term has a dimension of almost 35km square.

The origin of the name of Almargen

The name of the Almargen town comes from the Arabic meaning «The two meadows».

Denonym of the people of Almargen

The inhabitants are called “Almargeño or Almargeña”.

Monuments and places of interest in Almargen

  • Church of Inmaculada Concepción: The church was erected in the 16th century with later reforms. Its primitive Mudejar style façade was being reformed into an austere style today. Inside, the altarpiece from the twentieth century called the Gothic Complex of La Piedad stands out, made up of six panels that are practically unique in their style in the province of Malaga.Church Inmaculada Concepción Almargen Malaga
  • Interpretation Center: Tartessos in Almargen, This center will show you better about the end of the prehistory in this area. This center will make you better know the end of prehistory in this area. The archaeological museum opened its doors in 2009 in an old water tank. It houses pieces from the Upper Paleolithic to the Middle Ages that have been found in the Guadalteba region. The collection has important pieces such as: the decorated Stela of the warrior that is the only representation of the Tartessian culture in Malaga, a sword forged in bronze and the famous idol of the Fertility of Almargen in white marble.Tartessos Almargen Interpretation Center Museum

For more information about Almargen Village: visit the City Council page